Friday, October 15, 2010

The Limit by Kristen Landon

The Limit
by Kristen Landon

Middle Grade Dystopian Future
304 pages, hardcover
Target Reader: Ages 10+

Release Date: September 7, 2010

From the publisher:
An eighth grade girl was taken today . . .

With this first sentence, readers are immediately thrust into a fast-paced thriller that doesn't let up for a moment. In a world not too far removed from our own, kids are being taken away to special workhouses if their families exceed the monthly debt limit imposed by the government. Thirteen-year-old Matt briefly wonders if he might be next, but quickly dismisses the thought. After all, his parents are financially responsible, unlike the parents of those other kids. As long as his parents remain within their limit, the government will be satisfied and leave them alone. But all it takes is one fatal visit to the store to push Matt’s family over their limit—and to change his reality forever.

Read an excerpt.
This is an excellent book for middle grade boys who like some suspense set in a slightly futuristic world.

When Matt's family goes over their debt limit, he's forced to work in a government facility to help pay down the debt. Matt is one of the lucky ones who is smart enough to land on the top floor, where he gets special privileges. At first, it's pretty cool—other than the fact that he misses his family. But then he finds out there's a catch—one that makes it nearly impossible to pay off his family's debt.

When his sister shows up on one of the lower floors, having a seizure right in front of him, Matt decides he must find out what's really going on and get help for all the kids.

The pacing is a little slower, than say, the Alex Ryder series, but it's not bad. You're not on the edge of your seat every single second, and that gives you time to think about what's happening, but there's plenty of suspense to keep the reader involved, especially the second half of the book.

While there's some implied violence and adults who hold the kids captive, it's not over the top at all. I'd feel comfortable with kids as young as 9 reading it, if they were good enough readers to follow the story line.

The Limit deals with a pretty timely topic—uncontrolled personal debt. It's not at all preachy, focusing more on the suspense of what's really going on at the facility. It does make you wonder if something like this might happen in our not-too-distant future...

I think boys and girls from 12 and up will really like this book.





Content Ratings


Violence: Very mild.



Values/Themes: Personal responsibility. Find ideas for discussion/activities here.

Age Appropriate:

Writing Mechanics:

© 2010 It's a Book Affair

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