The Whitney finalists have been announced. For those of you who've never heard of them, the Whitneys are annual awards given to outstanding LDS fiction titles published in a particular calendar year. The 2008s were announced this morning.
I thought I'd been doing pretty good reading LDS fiction this year. I've read 25 "LDS" novels published in 2008 (and about 6 that were older LDS fiction titles, plus a bunch of non-LDS, but I digress...) So anyway, I'm feeling pretty good about all the reading I've done, and then I look over at the LDS Fiction site and according to LDS Publisher, there were 136 titles published by LDS authors last year. I'm not real good at math, but I think that means I've read a little less than 1/5th. :(
Of the 30 Whitney finalists, I own 15 and have finished reading 11 of them. So that's...uh...HALF that I bought because I thought they looked good.
Does that mean I'm good at picking winners?
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